Other locale data are included in the jdk.localedata module. In Oracle's JDK 11, only the US English locale data (and its parent locales, including the ROOT locale) are included in the java.base module. These Unicode extensions affect the behavior of the relevant library functions, such as classes in java.text, java.time, and java.util packages. These are the supported extensions in Oracle's JDK 11: Unicode Consortium's LDML specification defines Unicode locale extensions. Supported Unicode Language-Tag extensions Refer to class’ class description for more detail. Specifying the system property with "COMPAT,SPI" will have the same behavior with the prior JDK releases. The default behavior is equivalent to specifying the system property with "CLDR,COMPAT". For example, if the user wants to have the same experience with the underlying operating system, specifying the system property with "HOST,CLDR,COMPAT", lets the locale sensitive services behave like what the underlying OS does for the default locale. Locales from other locale providers can be used by configuring the “” system property. In Oracle's JDK 11, locale data from CLDR locale data provider are used by default, and in some cases where legacy locales are specified in locale sensitive services, such as "JP" variant of "ja_JP" locale, locale data from "COMPAT" provider is used. This name is deprecated and will be removed in the future release of JDK. JRE: Represents a synonym to "COMPAT".
In Oracle's JDK 11, this provider is available on Windows platform and macOS platform. This provider enables the default locale(s) ( and/or ) utilizing the underlying operating system.

The only platform dependent functionality is the setting of the initial default locale and the initial default time zone based on the host operating system's locale and time zone.

The support for locale-sensitive behavior in the java.util and java.text packages is almost entirely platform independent, so all locales are supported in the same way and simultaneously, independent of the host operating system and its localization. Enabled Locales for java.util and java.text Functionality If the system's default locale is not supported by the installers, the installers will be displayed in English. The installers will use the system's default locale setting to determine which of the supported languages to use at the time of installation. The JDK Installers are localized to the languages specified in the User Interface Translation table.